[复古怀旧无线电]Navi Retlav Radio Waves Reason + Pack(30MB)

[复古怀旧无线电]Navi Retlav Radio Waves Reason + Pack(30MB)插图

Navi Retlav | Rar 26.4 Mb | Unrar 30Mb

体验将调整为模拟无线电的怀旧 - 广播渠道之间的静态和相互调制。 缓慢漂移,越来越大。 然后将它们安装到Creative Sampler Mimic中,从而创造出有趣的结果,例如电影无人机和复杂的纹理。


Experience the nostalgia of tuning into an analog radio— the static and intermodulation between broadcasting channels. Slowly drifting, everchanging.\r This pack uses samples from radio signals transformed through various effects devices. These have then been mounted into the creative sampler Mimic, creating intriguing results such as cinematic drones and intricate textures.

This pack can be used in reason's rack and daw also there's wav files to be used in other daws.So these are not only for reason + Companion and there not refills just folders

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