[流行朋克]Agent Method Future Punk Reason + Pack(33.6MB)

[流行朋克]Agent Method Future Punk Reason + Pack(33.6MB)插图

Agent Method | Rar 77.8 Mb | Unrar 94.1MB

Future Punk从流行朋克时代出现,编织和从现代的电子音乐发出的声音中脱颖而出。 总体而言,未来的朋克声音包非常适合任何希望在音乐系列中添加未来派,充满活力的边缘的人。 无论您是流行朋克,未来的贝斯,emo,旋律dubstep还是合成器音乐的粉丝,您都会在这种多样而充满活力的补丁集中找到喜欢的东西。


Emerging from the pop-punk era, weaving in and out of the modern sounds of electronic music, Future Punk leads the way in riding a new wave of vibrations combining present tones with those from the essence of punk-rock past. \r Overall, the Future Punk sound pack is perfect for anyone looking to add a futuristic, energetic edge to their music collection. Whether you're a fan of pop-punk, future bass, emo, melodic dubstep, or synth-wave music, you'll find something to love in this diverse and dynamic collection of patches.

This pack can be used in reason's rack and daw also there's wav files to be used in other daws.So these are not only for reason + Companion and there not refills just folders

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