[教程]Groove3 Melodyne 5 Explained(318MB)

[教程]Groove3 Melodyne 5 Explained(318MB)插图

32 Videos | Length: 2hr 48min 24sec

工作室大师 Eli Krantzberg 提供全面的 Melodyne 5 视频教程!了解所有基础知识、其特性和功能,以及如何有效地使用它们来操纵音轨的音高和时间,并取得令人难以置信的效果。这些视频是为 Melodyne 5 的新用户设计的。

Eli 欢迎您并带您初步了解新的 Melodyne 5 界面、它在各种 DAW 中的外观以及 v.5 的一些新功能所在的位置。接下来,您将学习重要的基础知识,例如将音频实时传输到 Melodyne、使用音频随机访问 (ARA) 功能、在 DAW 中导航和控制播放等等。

接下来是基本编辑,您将学习使用正确音高宏进行简单有效的基本调音,利用新的 Chord Track 功能从 Melodyne 中分析、重新分析、编辑和试听和弦,以获得类似外星人的效果控制你的和弦。仅此一项功能就使 Melodyne 5 成为任何使用音频的人都应该拥有的武器级声波操纵器。


Studio guru Eli Krantzberg delivers comprehensive Melodyne 5 video tutorials! Learn all the basics, its features and functions, and how to use them effectively to manipulate your audio track's pitch and time, with incredible results. These videos are designed for new Melodyne 5 users.

Eli welcomes you and gives you a first look around the new Melodyne 5 interface, what it looks like in various DAWs, and where some of the new v.5 features are located. Next you'll learn the important basics like transferring audio to Melodyne in real-time, using the Audio Random Access (ARA) feature, navigating and controlling playback in your DAW, and more.

Basic editing is up next, and you'll learn to use the Correct Pitch Macro for simple and effective basic tuning, utilize the new Chord Track functions to analyze, re-analyze, edit, and audition chords all from within Melodyne for alien-like control over your chords. This feature alone makes Melodyne 5 a weapons grade sonic manipulator that anyone working with audio should have.

There is so much info covered in this series; working with all the individual Melodyne tools, choosing and using different detection algorithms for specific tasks, understanding the different note assignment modes, and much, much more.

To see what these detailed Melodyne 5 video tutorials show you, and how they'll get you up and running and using Melodyne 5 to its fullest capabilities, see the individual Melodyne 5 tutorial descriptions on this page. Learn Melodyne 5 with this comprehensive video manual taught by one of the best pro audio instructors in the biz... Watch "Melodyne 5 Explained®" today.




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