[电子管压缩]Native Instruments Sepercharger GT v1.4.0 [WiN](87MB)

[电子管压缩]Native Instruments Sepercharger GT v1.4.0 [WiN](87MB)插图



SUPERCHARGER GT 能将白热的电子管压缩加入到任何音频源中。 无需大费周章,即可将丰富的谐波之声添加进你的音轨中。 SUPERCHARGER GT 不仅仅是一个简单的压缩器,它拥有着额外精细的过载部件,能够生成强大的饱和处理特性。

SUPERCHARGER GT 绝非单一的电子管压缩器。 它内置了新的可选饱和类型,能够带给你三种不同的电子管处理风味。

你可以选用 Mild, Crisp, 以及 Slam 三种模式,来调节饱和添加量,无论是轻微的谐波增强还是激烈的过载变化皆可轻易达成。 而 Fat, Warm, 以及 Aggressive 三种处理特性模式,则能让你只使用一颗旋钮即可抚平不规则的高频以及补充丢失的低频下潜。

Supercharger GT is a compressor inspired by the rich, tube-driven sound of a boutique hardware unit. A feature-rich follow-up to the Supercharger compressor released in December 2013, Supercharger GT goes beyond modern tube compression by adding dedicated Saturation and Character modes and additional controls for complete sonic fine-tuning.

Supercharger GT was designed for simple yet comprehensive sound shaping. Producers can quickly dial in a wide range of compression effects using a single ‘Compress’ knob. The effect’s automatic make-up gain allows them to stay focused on the sound of the effect without having to compensate for the drop in volume compression can sometimes cause. Pre-set Attack and Release settings provide a starting point for setting Supercharger GT’s response to incoming signals – producers can start with Punch, Gentle, and Slam modes. Dedicated Attack and Release controls allow an additional degree of fine-tuning.

Aside from compression, Supercharger GT also delivers a set of tone-shaping controls that make it more than just a compressor effect. A ‘Saturation’ knob with Mild, Crisp, and Slam saturation types give users three ways to add harmonic content to their tracks. At lower settings, Supercharger GT offers subtle harmonic enhancement. At more extreme settings it delivers raw, distorted coloration. The ‘Character’ knob can fill in missing low end and smooth out unruly high frequencies with Fat, Warm, and Aggressive character modes adding to its versatility. Furthermore, a mid/side mode lets producers create space in a mix by applying the effect only to the left and right sides of a signal – perfect for adjusting stereo imaging. A detector high pass prevents unruly low end signals from mis-triggering the compressor. Combined, these features provide producers dynamic control, warmth, and sonic shaping in one convenient plug-in.




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