East West 25th Anniversary Collection Phat and Phunky v1.0.0 [WiN](772MB)

East West 25th Anniversary Collection Phat and Phunky v1.0.0 [WiN](772MB)插图

Rich Mendelson is the programmer of the five-star rated EastWest sample collections Dance/Industrial 1 and 2. Phat+Phunky includes over 2 hours of complete loops (165 loops and over 2000 samples); plus the individual components for each loop. The featured material is R&B/Hip-Hop/Slo Jamz, perfect for any type of project. Many of the loops are almost complete tracks except, unlike other loop collections, Phat+Phunky enables you to completely customize the loops.

A witch says,

You need R2R PLAY/OPUS release to use this library.


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