[模拟磁带录音机插件] G-Sonique Analog Tape ASX-72 UNCRACKED [WiN](18.64MB)

[模拟磁带录音机插件] G-Sonique Analog Tape ASX-72 UNCRACKED [WiN](18.64MB)插图


G-Sonique Digital Instruments 的 Analog Tape ASX-72 是一款卷轴式模拟磁带录音机仿真插件,具有多种参数,如哇音和抖动旋钮,激励/温暖和嘶嘶声控制,磁带速度选择器等功能,可以在 A421 和 C24 之间切换磁带类型,包括一个设备限制器控制,可再现磁带录音机的自然限制声音效果。

大多数“模拟磁带”插件几乎什么都不做,只是简单的经典饱和度(与真正的卷轴式硬件录音机相比,它以许多非线性方式影响声音:例如,它不仅产生基本的饱和度,还产生自然的非线性压缩,哇音和抖动效果,可变的噪音和嘶嘶声,滞后,平滑和软化尖锐的瞬态和高音等。)许多制作人需要可以模拟各种类型的模拟磁带和它们的电子设备(录音电磁铁、前置放大器)的多功能的模拟磁带插件,从 1960 年到 1980 年的温暖和 90 年代的干净声音。

他们设计的 Analog Tape ASX-72,为各种风格的使用和高水平的声音创作提供了各种类型的磁带声音:从非常温和的“隐形的”现代磁带声音,到增加一点点温暖的声音,再到非常丰满的、邋遢的复古声音。你可以用 ASX-72 在混音现代曲目时进行微妙的设置,为摇滚/独立音乐添加大量的浊感,为 techno 或 dnb 曲目添加真正的模拟声音,为 synthwave 曲目添加嘈杂的波浪声,为 psytrance/dub 或 psychill 曲目添加失真的老磁带的迷幻氛围,或者只是为了使你的数字节拍/合成器更加真实和自然。

Analog Tape ASX-72 有很多乐趣和声音创意,它不只是另一个混音插件,它具有微妙的效果,只为少数发烧混音工程师设计,通过 ASX-72 你可以完全改变你的鼓,合成器,吉他,人声,弦乐和其他乐器的特点,而你也可以用它作为非常温和的混音处理器。


Let's be honest. Most of "analog tape" plug-ins do almost nothing just simple classic saturation (comparing to real reel-to-reel hardware recorder which affect
sound in many non-linear ways: for example it produces not just basic saturation but also natural non-linear compression, wow and flutter effect, variable
noises and hiss, hysteresis, rounding and softening sharp transients and trebles etc.) Many producers need versatile analog tape plug-in that can emulate
various types of analog tapes and their electronics (recording electromagnets, pre-amps) from various ages 1960 to warm 1980 and clean 90s.

We designed Analog Tape ASX-72 to offer various types of tape sound for various styles of use and high level of sound creativity: from very gentle "invisible" modern tape sound to add just little bit of warmth to very fat, grungy vintage sound. You can use ASX-72 during mixing modern tracks with subtle settings, to add massive amount of dirt to rock / indie music, to add real analog sound to techno or dnb tracks, to add noisy wavy sound to synthwave tracks, psychedelic atmosphere of twisted old tapes to psytrance / dub or psychill tracks or just to make your digital beats / synths more realistic and natural.




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