[女中音短语音源] Bela D Media Vocal Tools Enchantress [KONTAKT](218MB)

Bela D Media 发布 Vocal Tools Enchantress,这是一个适用于 Kontakt 的吟唱风格的人声音色库,它受到了挪威方言的影响。

Vocal Tools Enchantress 捕捉了女中音歌唱家的美感和力量表现,并带有多重采样元素。

此外,Vocal Tools Enchantress 还包含了基于人声的配乐铺底和真实的舞台表演氛围。



Vocal Tools Enchantress is a chant-style vocal library with influence taken from Norwegian dialect. The beauty and power of a mezzo soprano vocalist is captured and with multi-sampled elements. In example, the phrase “Aramenti” is sampled across the provided vocal range and with careful editing and sample start times, the control of the “phrase” is now in the creative hands of the composer.

E – aramenti / F# – ramenti / G – menti / A – ti

This method provides greater control than the traditional “one-shot” vocal sample library and with Bela D Media’s V script, vocal magic is made easy and in real-time.

In addition, Vocal Tools Enchantress encompasses vocal-based scoring pads and authentic stage performance ambience.
The option to implement only the natural voice is available at the musical discretion of the composer. Special features include time-based polyphonic legato, subtle vocal air mod-wheel control, the creation and storage of custom vocal verses and lastly, producer generated multi-patch instruments.

V Script is a sophisticated power tool designed to ease the burden of the working composer. Most aspects are done behind the scenes or on the fly. The composer simply needs to create vocal sequences (a group of elements) and store each by a simple press of a Key-switch.

– Real-time sequencing and instant call-back of self-created vocal movements
– Mix elements into 12 part vocal steps to create a sung verse
– Create and store up to 12 verses with instant call-back
– Time-based polyphonic legato
– GUI controllable attack and release per step sequence
– GUI controllable vocal EQ
– GUI controllable vocal compression, church reverb and delay
– Bypass all for a studio dry environment

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