DerricoCrew DAWSound v1.0.0 Incl. Keygen [WiN](600KB)

DerricoCrew DAWSound v1.0.0 Incl. Keygen [WiN](600KB)插图

demberto | 8 December 2022 | 600KB

DAWSound Windows Multi-Touch MIDI控制器是一个Windows程序,允许您创建无限的布局来控制DAW以及硬件和软件合成器。

使用 WYSIWYG 布局编辑器创建带有推子、旋钮、按钮、标签和 XY Pad 的布局。您可以更改每个控制器的大小和外观。您还可以为每个控制器设置MIDI通道、音符号、CC号和值范围。您甚至可以让按钮切换到不同的布局,并将键盘命令发送到其他Windows程序。布局可以是您想要的任何尺寸。MIDI也是双向的。


DAWSound Windows Multi-Touch MIDI Controller is a Windows program that allows you to create unlimited layouts to control your DAW and your hardware and software synthesizers.

Use the WYSIWYG layout editor to create layouts with faders, knobs, buttons, labels and XY Pads. You can change the size and appearance of every controller. You can also set the MIDI channel, Note number, CC number and value range for every controller. You can even have buttons switch to different layouts and also send keyboard commands to other Windows programs. Layouts can be any size that you want. MIDI is also bi-directional.

DAWSound works with a mouse and it supports multi-touch.

Completely Configurable
All the controllers in DAWSound are completely configurable. Colors, sizes, ranges, MIDI data, etc are all user-defined. DAWSound also remembers where each Layout should appear on your screen, so each Layout can appear in specific places, enhancing your workflow. DAWSound works with any program that can receive MIDI. DAWSound can also receive MIDI data and update the controllers. You can even load pictures to use and the Layout background.

MIDI Monitor
DAWSound can show incoming and outgoing MIDI data in real-time, so you can use DAWSound as MIDI monitor.

Fader Controller
Faders can be horizontal or vertical, show or hide values, different knob styles, etc. They can work in reverse and have an auto-return value.

Knob Controller
Knobs can show or hide values, have different rotation angles and have varying amounts of rotation. They can work in reverse and have an auto-return value.

Button Controller
Buttons can send MIDI Note data, CC values or keyboard commands (such as SHIFT-A to any Windows program). Buttons can also be velocity-sensitive - the higher you click on a button the higher the Note velocity or CC value is.

Label Controller
Labels can be horizontal or vertical and various font sizes and colors.

XY Pad Controller
XY-Pads can send any 2 CC values at the same time. The ranges for each CC value is user-definable.

Windows 10, 11
.NET 4.8 or greater
MIDI interface or software virtual MIDI cable




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