[教程]MasterClass Alicia Keys Teaches Songwriting and Producing(8.78GB)

[教程]MasterClass Alicia Keys Teaches Songwriting and Producing(8.78GB)插图

迄今为止,Alicia Keys 已获得 15 项格莱美奖和超过 4000 万张专辑的销量,是世界上最受欢迎的创作型歌手之一。现在这位传奇艺术家邀请您进入她的工作室,分享她用真实情感创作音乐的过程。分解像“Fallin'”这样的国歌,Alicia 向您展示了她是如何写歌词、制作旋律和探索声波的,这样您就可以发现自己天生就制作的音乐。

01 认识你的导师
02 艾丽西亚的音乐基础和影响
03 从旋律和歌词开始
04 作曲家艾丽西亚
05 将所有元素结合在一起
06 连接你周围的世界
07 有同理心的歌曲创作
08 制作人艾丽西亚
09 人声编曲
10 在展位中建立能量
11 国歌的解剖
12 艾丽西亚的复古未来主义声音
13 控制室炼金术
14 增强声音的乐器
15 创意合作
16 音乐界的姐妹情谊
17 冉冉升起的艺术家聚光灯——Joy Nesbitt 的 Echo
18 权力和目的
19 永远在学习

With 15 Grammy Awards and more than 40 million albums sold so far, Alicia Keys is one of the world’s most beloved singer-songwriters. Now the legendary artist invites you into her studio to share her process for creating music built from authentic emotion. Breaking down anthems like “Fallin'”, Alicia shows you how she writes lyrics, crafts melodies, and explores sonics so you can discover the music you were born to make.

01 Meet Your Instructor
02 Alicia’s Musical Foundation and Influences
03 Start With Melody and Lyrics
04 Alicia, the Songwriter
05 Bring All the Elements Together
06 Connect to the World Around You
07 Songwriting With Empathy
08 Alicia, the Producer
09 Vocal Arrangements
10 Build Energy in the Booth
11 The Anatomy of an Anthem
12 Alicia’s Retro-Futuristic Sound
13 Alchemy in the Control Room
14 Instruments to Boost a Big Sound
15 Creative Collaboration
16 Sisterhood in the Music Industry
17 Rising Artist Spotlight – Joy Nesbitt’s Echo
18 Power and Purpose
19 Always Be Learning

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