[教程]MASTERCLASS Christina Aguilera Teaches Singing(9.66GB)

[教程]MASTERCLASS Christina Aguilera Teaches Singing(9.66GB)插图

克里斯蒂娜教你如何扩大你的音域,找到你的声音,并掌握赢得她六项格莱美奖的技巧。您将学习热身练习、呼吸控制、颤音、她标志性的咆哮,并聆听 Christina 分解她的热门歌曲。以前从未有过这样的歌唱课。

► 23 节课

克里斯蒂娜在超过 3.5 小时的声乐课程和练习中教你她独特的声乐技巧。


第 1 课 - 简介

Christina 从 Billie Holiday 和 Nina Simone 等音乐传奇人物那里学到了强大表演的秘诀。学习如何收集灵感、挖掘你的情绪并接受你的缺陷,以更好地与你的观众建立联系。

第 03 课 – 热身


第 05 课 - 范围
与 Christina 一起扩展您的音域。了解她掌握高音和建立音域的秘诀。在课程结束时使用测距仪工具将您学到的知识付诸实践。

第 06 课 – 学生课程:流行风格

第 07 课 - 学生课程:简化
观看 Christina 指导学生进行投影,并揭示一种声乐技巧,让您在情感上与听众建立联系。


第 09 课 – 用语

第 10 课 - 掌握声乐技巧

第 11 课 - 使用织体和音调

第 12 课 - 二重奏 1:排练准备

第 13 课 – 二重奏 2:完善表演

第 14 课 – 节拍
了解如何发展您的内在节奏并尝试使用节拍来重塑表演。观看 Christina 以节拍和节奏演奏,为 Say Something and Aint No Other Man 注入新的活力。

第 15 课 – 现场麦克风
Christina 向您展示如何拥有现场麦克风。学习麦克风技术,在任何规模的场地、任何地方创造令人难以置信的表演。

第 16 课 - 录音室麦克风
麦克风检查。克里斯蒂娜打破了现场表演和工作室时间之间的差异,以及她在职业生涯中完善的麦克风技术。然后,当您观看 Christina 演唱她的标志性歌曲“Beautiful”时,难得一睹录音棚的风采。

第 17 课——表现焦虑

第 18 课 – 现场演唱

第 19 课——克服错误

第 20 课 – 给艺术家的建议

第 21 课 – 自我表达

第 22 课 - 克里斯蒂娜的旅程

第 23 课 – 结束

Christina teaches you how to expand your range, find your voice, and master the techniques that have earned her six Grammy Awards. You’ll learn warm-up exercises, breath control, vibrato, her signature growls, and hear Christina break down her biggest hits. There has never been a singing class like this before.


Christina teaches you her unique vocal techniques in over 3.5 hours of voice lessons and exercises.


  • Lesson 01 – Introduction
    Meet Christina – your new vocal coach. Begin your training as Christina asks you to throw away your rule book and shares what she has planned for your class.
  • Lesson 02 – Christina’s Inspiration
    Christina learned the secrets of powerful performances from music legends like Billie Holiday and Nina Simone. Learn how to gather inspiration, tap into your emotions and embrace your flaws to better connect with your audience.
  • Lesson 03 – Warming Up
    Your vocal cords are like any other muscle – you must stretch and warm them up before a performance. Let Christina walk you through the vocal warmups and exercises she uses to get ready for the show.
  • Lesson 04 – Protecting Your Voice
    Your voice is an instrument. Learn to protect it as Christina talks about the top three things to avoid, adjusting to different environments, and cures to heal a strained voice.
  • Lesson 05 – Range
    Expand your vocal range with Christina. Learn her secrets for nailing those high notes and building your range. Use the Range Finder tool at the end of the lesson to put into practice what you’ve learned.
  • Lesson 06 – Student Sessions: Pop Style
    Through Christina’s student critique, you will learn how changing your vocal placement and posture can add new dimension to your performance.
  • Lesson 07 – Student Sessions: Simplify
    Watch as Christina coaches a student on projection, and reveals a vocal technique that allows you to emotionally connect with your listeners.
  • Lesson 08 – Student Sessions: Rock Style
    Learn the techniques Christina uses to achieve her gritty style on songs like Fighter. Through her critique of a pop vocalist, Christina demonstrates how grit and attitude can transform a performance from pop to rock.
  • Lesson 09 – Diction
    Throw away your idea of sounding perfectly polished and learn how to use diction and enunciation to tell a story.
  • Lesson 10 – Mastering Vocal Techniques
    Harmony. Belting. Vibrato. Slides. Master these vocal techniques as Christina breaks them down for you step-by-step.
  • Lesson 11 – Playing With Textures and Tones
    Christina demonstrates how to use different textures and tones, from gritty growl to haunting sadness, to emotionally charge a performance.
  • Lesson 12 – Duets 1: Rehearsal Prep
    Master creating an unforgettable duet as Christina teaches you what to look for in a duet partner, how to perfect your timing, and how to navigate the rehearsal process.
  • Lesson 13 – Duets 2: Perfecting the Performance
    Learn to perfect duets. In this lesson Christina breaks down the pitch, timing and emotion you’ll need to captivate an audience with your partner.
  • Lesson 14 – The Beat
    Learn how to develop your inner-rhythm and experiment with beat to reinvent a performance. Watch Christina play with beat and tempo to breathe new life into Say Something and Aint No Other Man.
  • Lesson 15 – Live Microphones
    Christina shows you how to own the live mic. Learn the microphone techniques to create an incredible performance in any sized venue, anywhere.
  • Lesson 16 – Studio Microphones
    Mic check. Christina breaks down the difference between live performance and studio time, as well as the microphone techniques she’s perfected over her career. Then, get a rare glimpse into the recording booth as you watch Christina perform her iconic song ‘Beautiful’.
  • Lesson 17 – Performance Anxiety
    Every singer gets performance anxiety, including Christina. Learn how to deal with your nerves and center yourself before a show.
  • Lesson 18 – Singing It Live
    Christina teaches you her approach to studio recording versus live performance, including engaging with a live audience and being able to let go.
  • Lesson 19 – Overcoming Mistakes
    Christina teaches you her approach to turning a studio performance into an engaging live performance. Watch her let loose on ‘Fighter’ and learn her tricks for pumping up an audience.
  • Lesson 20 – Advice for Artists
    Christina shares her wisdom around finding yourself as an artist, ignoring the haters, and adjusting to the life of a successful artist.
  • Lesson 21 – Self-Expression
    Learn how to use your art to express your voice and challenge the opinions of those around you, while staying within your comfort zone. Christina challenged the norms of sexuality and shame with her music. What will you talk about with yours
  • Lesson 22 – Christina’s Journey
    Christina reflects on her career journey and shares with you the most important lessons she’s learned along the way.
  • Lesson 23 – Closing
    Take the next step. Learn from Christina how to own the difficult moments and continue following your dreams.


For the first time ever, get online voice lessons from the six-time Grammy award winner. Only available from MasterClass.

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