[教程]Groove3 Melodyne 5 Tips and Tricks(1.5GB)

[教程]Groove3 Melodyne 5 Tips and Tricks(1.5GB)插图

13 Videos | Length: 1hr 37min 34sec

Studio wiz Patrick Coffin 提供全面的提示和技巧 Melodyne 视频教程!如果您希望进一步使用 Melodyne 5 并改进您的工作流程和创造力,那么这个视频系列适合您。您还可以获得视频中使用的音频文件,以便您可以在系统上进行跟踪。如果您对 Melodyne 5 完全陌生,我们建议您先查看 Melodyne 5 Explained®。这些视频适合那些有一些基本的 Melodyne 5 知识并想了解更多信息的人。

首先,Patrick 欢迎您并从一些重要的 Melodyne 技术信息开始,然后讨论本系列需要哪些必备知识。然后,您将获得两个深入的基础概述教程,以确保您在深入了解这个神奇软件的情况下进入以下提示和技巧视频。

有了这些,Patrick 现在向您展示了一些很酷的东西,例如如何优化 Melodyne 的键盘快捷键、获得更好性能的技术、有效地使用 Melodyne 的不同算法、使用 Melodyne 的随机偏差功能创建听起来很棒的自动双重跟踪 (ADT) 轨道、理解和使用新的 De-Essing 选项,如何轻松地将音频转换为 MIDI,使用声音编辑器创造性地重塑音轨的音色等等。


Studio wiz Patrick Coffin presents comprehensive tip and trick Melodyne video tutorials! If you are looking to go further with Melodyne 5 and improve your workflow and creativity, this video series is for you. You also get the audio files used in the videos so you can follow along on your system. If you are completely new to Melodyne 5, we recommend viewing Melodyne 5 Explained® first. These videos are for those who have some basic Melodyne 5 knowledge and want to learn more.

To begin, Patrick welcomes you and starts off with some important Melodyne technical info, and then discusses what prerequisite knowledge is needed for this series. You’ll then get two in-depth basics overview tutorials to ensure that you go into the following tips & tricks videos with a good understanding of this amazing software.

With that out of the way, Patrick now shows you cool things like how to optimize Melodyne’s keyboard shortcuts, techniques for better performance, effectively using Melodyne’s different algorithms, create great sounding Automatic Double Tracking (ADT) tracks using Melodyne’s Random Deviations feature, understanding and using the new De-Essing options, how to easily convert audio to MIDI, using the Sound Editor to creatively reshape the timbre of your tracks and much more.

To see what these insightful Melodyne tutorials show you, and how they’ll enable you to work more creatively with Melodyne 5, see the individual Melodyne video tutorial descriptions on this page. Discover what awaits you and your pitch & time manipulative needs… Watch “Melodyne 5 Tips & Tricks” today!

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